Connecting the world from the sky

using high altitude pseudo satellites (HAPS)

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We develop high altitude pseudo satellites (HAPS), unmanned aircraft that fly in the stratosphere at an average altitude of 20km while providing telecommunications, earth observation or defence services. HAPS are usually hydrogen or solar-powered, allowing them to remain airborne for weeks or even months, and have a number of advantages over orbit-based satellites due to their proximity to earth and the flexibility in deployment.

About us

Luman Aerospace was born from a group of students of the TU Delft Faculty of Aerospace Engineering with a big passion for lightweight structures and electric aviation. After many design iterations and prototype tests, we came up with an innovative and completely novel aircraft design, which we believe fixes the key issues current HAPS designs are facing.

Our markets

With its wide coverage area, low latency and direct-to-handset capability, HAPS is the ideal platform to connect the unconnected.


HAPS combines the advantages of UAVs with those of satellites to offer new and disruptive defence capabilities.

The geostationary operation and proximity to the earth's surface allow HAPS to achieve new levels of quality in earth observation.

Earth observation
man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black shirt
man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black shirt

Contact Us

Contact us to discuss aerospace needs